
OpenIn 4.0.0 Public Beta

    • openin
    • productivity
  • modified:
  • reading: 3 minutes


We are happy to start public beta for OpenIn v4.

After I have released ShellHistory Beta v2, I have spent the last month on OpenIn. The main decision I have made is to only build it for Ventura (upcoming macOS update). OpenIn v3 will be in the store as well, and I will back port some of the bug fixes (but no new features). I am planning to release OpenIn v4 for 11.99 and provide a bundle update, so if you own OpenIn v3, it is going to be only $1.99 to pay for the update. SetApp users will get access to the new version of OpenIn v4 if they have macOS Ventura installed.

There were several reason to build OpenIn v4 only for Ventura. One, I want to get rid of the in-app-purchases (with cost of 0), as this is legacy from v2. If some of you remember, I tried to provide OpenIn for free or charge for additional features, which caused so much confusion between users. Second reason, this is a pet project for me, and I really excited to make it look and work like a really solid native application for macOS, and Ventura came with some exciting new features for me, and re-design of the Settings view.


New settings design

I tried to give OpenIn’ settings window Ventura native look. And implemented several additional features:

  • Simple look, and I hope more intuitive. Right now there is no help available, I am going to move it to website and publish before the release.
  • You can group file extensions now to configure apps for them.
  • OpenIn is smarter about file extensions now, and understands that .jpg and .jpeg is the same file type.
  • Removing Icon from the status bar does not require restart anymore.
  • When configuring apps you can add an icon overlay, so you can identify the same app, that you configured differently. For example, Safari and open in Safari Private Window (for myself I added a lock icon)
  • Yes, with the new version of OpenIn Helper, you will be able to open links in Safari private window.
  • In the JavaScript you can identify now if link comes from Handoff or Share menu. And you can build rules based on when the link was sent from Handoff.
  • Allow to disable a rule.
  • Backups are stored in iCloud.
  • I have spent some time writing detailed documentation.

History Window

History View

There are a lot of improvements I have made for working with history:

  • It is a separate window
  • You can search in this window
  • You can debug opened URLs (to check which modifiers were registered, which app sent this URL, etc), you can see that with the little ladybug in the toolbar.
  • You can access history from the Menu of the status bar now to quickly reopen last URLs.
  • You can open URL from clipboard (by using Menu in status bar)
  • OpenIn now de-duplicate the opened URLs, so you will not see the same URL twice.
  • If you will add OpenIn in Full Disk Access you should be able to reopen files from more places on the disk. There are still some limitations on that.

App Selection Window

App Selection Window

It looks more like a regular macOS Menu.

  • The share button is a native macOS share menu.
  • You can use Tabs and Space to select the app.
  • With the right click on the app you can quickly create rules like “Open domain always with Safari”.
  • Improved the positioning of the window, when it is close to the side of the screen. It should behave the same way as if you will do a right-click.
  • Better support for handling domain rules for emails.

Start testing

Get OpenIn v4 from TestFlight! Available only for macOS Ventura.