
OpenIn 4.0.5 - Script logs

    • openin
    • productivity
  • modified:
  • reading: 1 minutes

OpenIn 4.0.5 has been submitted for review in App Store and SetApp. Hope you will get it tomorrow!

Bug fixes are always take priority. There were a few reported right after I have released 4.0.4:

  • Bug: Console.log does not work anymore in the Script Editor
  • Bug: Newly added Source Apps might not have effect on the Rules
  • Bug: Scroll does not work in script editor

While fixing console.log issue, I have implemented also something nicer for being able to see actually input and output of the Script Executor in action.

In the General settings you can enable storing JavaScript logs and see them when you execute any scripts with OpenIn.

Developer Mode

After enabling them, and if you have Scripts for apps or Rules that going to be executed, you can review inputs, outputs and console log to verify that your rule works as expected.

Script Logs

Hope that will significantly help people writing their own rules with the help of Scripts.